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Das Mahavidya Puja - To fulfill your all desire

₹ Value: 6500 / $ 90

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Das Mahavidya Puja - To fulfill your all desire

The Das Mahavidya Puja is a Hindu ritual dedicated to the worship of the ten Mahavidyas, which are ten aspects of the Devi, or the divine feminine. The word "Das" means "ten," "Maha" means "great," and "Vidya" means "knowledge." So, altogether, Das Mahavidya Puja translates to the worship of the "Ten Great Wisdom."

Each Mahavidya represents a different aspect of the Devi power and is depicted with unique iconography and symbolism. The ten Mahavidyas are:

1. Goddess Kali: The embodiment of time, eternal change, and destruction.
2. Goddess Tara: The embodiment of protection and liberation.
3. Goddess Tripura Sundari: The embodiment of beauty, love, and prosperity.
4. Goddess Bhuvaneshwari: The embodiment of the earth and the material world.
5. Goddess Bhairavi: The embodiment of fearlessness and destruction.
6. Goddess Chinnamasta: The embodiment of self-sacrifice and transformation.
7. Goddess Dhumavati: The embodiment of smoke, obscurity, and transformation.
8. Goddess Baglamukhi: The embodiment of overcoming challenges and removing obstacles.
9. Goddess Matangi: The embodiment of speech, communication, and transformation.
10. Goddess Kamala: The embodiment of wealth, prosperity, and spiritual abundance.

The Das Mahavidya Puja holds significance for a couple of reasons:

1.  Worshiping Different Aspects of the Divine Feminine: The ten Mahavidyas represent various aspects of Devi, the Hindu Divine Mother. Each goddess embodies a unique power or quality. By worshipping all ten, devotees acknowledge the multifaceted nature of the divine feminine and seek blessings from all these aspects.

2. Fulfilling Desires and Overcoming Obstacles: The puja is believed to be beneficial for attaining various desires. This can range from material well-being like wealth or overcoming debts to spiritual pursuits like liberation. The specific Mahavidya worshipped can be chosen based on the desired outcome.  For instance, Tara is associated with protection, while Baglamukhi helps overcome challenges.

3.  Transformation and Spiritual Liberation: The Das Mahavidya Puja is seen as a path to spiritual transformation.  The rituals and symbolism associated with the puja can help devotees confront their shadow selves, negative tendencies, and internal struggles. This process is believed to lead to spiritual growth and ultimately, liberation.

4. Protection and Removing negativity: The puja is believed to offer protection from negative forces like black magic and evil influences. It can also help ward off negative planetary effects.

Benefits of Das Mahavidya Puja 

1. This puja will give financial standing, overcoming debt, and achieving prosperity.
2. The puja is said to bring success in areas like legal battles, career pursuits, or even love and marriage.
3. This puja safeguards from negative forces like black magic, the evil eye, or even negative planetary influences.
4. The puja is supposed to help devotees confront and overcome their inner demons and negative tendencies.
5. The rituals and symbolism can lead to a deeper understanding of oneself and the divine, promoting spiritual development.
6. This puja is seen as a path towards achieving moksha, or liberation from the cycle of rebirth.

If you are interested to perform the Das Mahavidya Puja then we can perform this puja by our experienced purohits on the auspicious muhurats and we will also send you the photos and videos. 

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Worshiping shows faith, reverence and faith in God. When a person worships God, he forgets the worldly illusion and reaches the spiritual world. This gives peace and harmony to the mind. And the fruit of worship is attained.

Our priest taken the sankalp (oath) on your behalf. Because worship is done for you with full determination, so that you get its full benefit. And our pandit ji is doing puja from last 10 years, we wish you get full benefit from it and all your wishes come true.

You are worshiped keeping in mind the auspicious day and time, our Pandit ji worships you with full determination. So that you can get the benefit of worship. You can see the entire worship yourself. And worship is done keeping all the things in mind. For the benefit of the people, our priests have been doing live puja for the last 10 years.

In the puja ritual, the deity is worshiped by lighting a lamp in praise of the deity, chanting mantras, reciting Vedic mantras. Then edible fruits and sweets are offered to the deity. After the puja the fruits and sweets are purified and become prasadam (blessed or sacred food) which is shared by all.

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